How to deal with damped sound?

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How to deal with damped sound?

To check the failure of the bai shock absorber, first look at:
1. Check if the du shock absorber is leaking. When it is not raining or washing the car, look directly at the shock absorber shell or dust cover. You can see it at a glance. Very intuitive.


2. There is listening. When driving at low speed, when the wheels pass the bumps on the road or there is a slight vibration, there will be an awkward sound. The abnormal noise of the shock absorberChina qili mono shock absorber motorcycle is different from the abnormal noise of other chassis, which is very dull. If it is the front shock absorber steering wheel, there is a clear sense of shock. Find an experienced driver to be able to accurately determine which suspension is emitted.
3. There is also hand pressure on the top of the suspension part of each wheel, such as the front and rear fenders. The defective shock absorber is hard pressed. This is a symptom of the shock absorber leaking to the later stage. This can only be judged by an experienced maintenance technician.
4. If the shock absorber fails, only replace it, and there is no way to repair it.

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